Canberra Airport


Movement data is no longer updated on this page. Please refer to the Movements at Australian airports webpage or the WebTrak program for movement data.

Select a quarter below to access information on movements at Canberra Airport for that period.

July - September 2019

Total movements

In quarter three there were 13 970 movements, ranging from 4562 to 4745 per month. On average, in each month of the quarter there were:

  • around 2045 jet movements
  • around 2095 turbo-prop or propeller aircraft
  • around 115 helicopter movements.

The busiest month for jet movements was August with 2164 movements and the least busy was September with 2100 movements.

Hourly movements (average)


Daily movements (average and maximum)

Night movements

The preferred runway under the noise abatement procedures is arrivals on Runway 17 and departures on Runway 35. This graph shows the total number of night movements that used this configuration, compared to other movements in the time period, including helipad movements. This is broken down by each hour of the night.

April - June 2019

Total movements

In quarter two there were 14 148 movements, ranging from 4628 to 4762 per month. On average, in each month of the quarter there were:

  • around 2070 jet movements
  • around 2130 turbo-prop or propeller aircraft
  • around 140 helicopter movements.

The busiest month for jet movements was May with 2180 movements and the least busy was June with 2016 movements. The increased movements over this quarter would have been influenced by the Federal election and the Easter period.

Hourly movements (average)


Daily movements (average and maximum)

Night movements

The preferred runway under the noise abatement procedures is arrivals on Runway 17 and departures on Runway 35. This graph shows the total number of night movements that used this configuration, compared to other movements in the time period, including helipad movements. This is broken down by each hour of the night.

January - March 2019

Total movements

In quarter one there were 13 513 movements, ranging from 3880 to 4972 per month. On average, in each month of the quarter there were:

  • around 1920 jet movements
  • around 2015 turbo-prop or propeller aircraft
  • around 190 helicopter movements.

The busiest month for jet movements was March with 2108 movements and the least busy was January with 1708 movements. The low movements in January corresponds with the Parliamentary recess.

Hourly movements (average)


Daily movements (average and maximum)

Night movements

The preferred runway under the noise abatement procedures is arrivals on Runway 17 and departures on Runway 35. This graph shows the total number of night movements that used this configuration, compared to other movements in the time period, including helipad movements. This is broken down by each hour of the night.

October - December 2018

Total movements

In quarter four there were 13 805 movements, ranging from 4226 to 4922 per month. On average, in each month of the quarter there were:

  • around 2030 jet movements
  • around 2030 turbo-prop or propeller aircraft
  • around 230 helicopter movements.

The busiest month for jet movements was October with 2219 movements and the least busy was December with 1801 movements. The reduction in movements corresponds with the Parliamentary recess for the Christmas period.

Hourly movements (average)


Daily movements (average and maximum)

Night movements

The preferred runway under the noise abatement procedures is arrivals on Runway 17 and departures on Runway 35. This graph shows the total number of night movements that used this configuration, compared to other movements in the time period, including helipad movements. This is broken down by each hour of the night.

July - September 2018

Total movements

In quarter three there were 14 411 movements, ranging from 4731 to 4936 per month. On average, in each month of the quarter there were:

  • around 2100 jet movements
  • around 2100 turbo-prop or propeller aircraft
  • around 250 helicopter movements.

The busiest month for jet movements was August with 2257 movements and the least busy was September with 2107 movements.

Hourly movements (average)


Daily movements (average and maximum)

Night movements

The preferred runway under the noise abatement procedures is arrivals on Runway 17 and departures on Runway 35. This graph shows the total number of night movements that used this configuration, compared to other movements in the time period, including helipad movements. This is broken down by each hour of the night.

April - June 2018

Total movements

In quarter two there were 13 557 movements, ranging from 4329 to 4875 per month. On average, in each month of the quarter there were:

  • around 2100 jet movements
  • around 2000 turbo-prop or propeller aircraft
  • around 160 helicopter movements.

The busiest month for jet movements was May with 2212 movements and the least busy was June with 2042 movements.

Hourly movements (average)


Daily movements (average and maximum)

Night movements

The preferred runway under the noise abatement procedures is arrivals on Runway 17 and departures on Runway 35. This graph shows the total number of night movements that used this configuration, compared to other movements in the time period, including helipad movements. This is broken down by each hour of the night.

January - March 2018

Total movements

In quarter one there were 12 887 movements, ranging from 3672 to 4853 per month. On average, in each month of the quarter there were:

  • around 2000 jet movements
  • just over 1800 turbo-prop or propeller aircraft
  • around 150 helicopter movements.

The busiest month for jet movements was March with 2461 movements and the least busy was January with 1662 movements.

Hourly movements (average)

Daily movements (average and maximum)

Night movements

The preferred runway under the noise abatement procedures is arrivals on Runway 17 and departures on Runway 35. This graph shows the total number of night movements that used this configuration, compared to other movements in the time period, including helipad movements. This is broken down by each hour of the night.

October - December 2017

Total movements

In quarter three there were 13 667 movements, ranging from 4300 to 4800 per month. On average, in each month of the quarter there were:

  • around 2100 jet movements
  • just over 2000 turbo-prop or propeller aircraft
  • around 200 helicopter movements.

The busiest month for jet movements was August with 2132 movements and the least busy was September with 2052 movements.

Hourly movements (average)

Daily movements (average and maximum)

Night movements

The preferred runway under the noise abatement procedures is arrivals on Runway 17 and departures on Runway 35. This graph shows the total number of night movements that used this configuration, compared to other movements in the time period, including helipad movements. This is broken down by each hour of the night.

July - September 2017

Total movements

In quarter three there were 13 667 movements, ranging from 4300 to 4800 per month. On average, in each month of the quarter there were:

  • around 2100 jet movements
  • just over 2000 turbo-prop or propeller aircraft
  • around 200 helicopter movements.

The busiest month for jet movements was August with 2132 movements and the least busy was September with 2052 movements.

Hourly movements (average)

Daily movements (average and maximum)

Night movements

The preferred runway under the noise abatement procedures is arrivals on Runway 17 and departures on Runway 35. This graph shows the total number of night movements that used this configuration, compared to other movements in the time period, including helipad movements. This is broken down by each hour of the night.

April - June 2017

Total movements

In quarter two there were 13 563 movements, ranging from 4238 to 4844 per month. On average, in each month of the quarter there were:

  • around 2100 jet movements
  • just under 2000 turbo-prop or propeller aircraft
  • around 260 helicopter movements.

The busiest month for jet movements was May with 2306 movements and the least busy was April with 2028 movements.

There was a significant increase in the numbers of propeller-driven aircraft this quarter compared to the previous one, although this is consistent with the same quarter in 2016. Helicopter movements also increased. Both are largely due to the cyclical nature of flying training activities with new courses beginning this quarter.

Hourly movements (average)

Daily movements (average and maximum)

Night movements

The preferred runway under the noise abatement procedures is arrivals on Runway 17 and departures on Runway 35. This graph shows the total number of night movements that used this configuration, compared to other movements in the time period, including helipad movements. This is broken down by each hour of the night.

January - March 2017

Total movements

In quarter one there were just over 12 600 movements. This is comparable to the same quarter in 2016 and a decrease compared to last quarter. On average, each month there were:

  • around 2000 jet movements
  • around 900 turbo-prop or propeller aircraft
  • just over 80 helicopter movements.

Hourly movements (average)

Daily movements (average and maximum)

Night movements

The preferred runway under the noise abatement procedures is arrivals on Runway 17 and departures on Runway 35. This graph shows the total number of night movements that used this configuration, compared to other movements in the time period, including helipad movements. This is broken down by each hour of the night.

2016 Overview

Total movements

In 2016 there were 53 132 movements at Canberra Airport. Just under half (46%) were jets. The most jet movements occurred in November 2016 (2393) and the least in January 2016 (1540). The average number of jet movements per month over the year was 2035.

Helicopter movements increased over the year due to activities by a new operator based at the airport, including training, joy and charter flights as well as fire fighting when required. Helicopter arrivals and departures peaked from August to October. Training and touch and go activities peaked in November.

October - December 2016

Total movements

In quarter four there were just over 13 500 movements, ranging from just under 4000 to nearly 5000 per month. On average, in each month of the quarter there were:

  • around 2200 jet movements
  • around 900 turbo-prop or propeller aircraft
  • around 100 helicopter movements.

Hourly movements (average)

Daily movements (average and maximum)

Night movements

The preferred runway under the noise abatement procedures is arrivals on Runway 17 and departures on Runway 35. This graph shows the total number of night movements that used this configuration, compared to other movements in the time period, including helipad movements. This is broken down by each hour of the night.

July - September 2016

Total movements

In quarter three there were just over 13 500 movements, ranging from 4000 to 5000 per month. On average, in each month of the quarter there were:

  • around 2000 jet movements
  • around 2000 turbo-prop or propeller aircraft
  • just under 100 helicopter movements.

The number of helicopter movements increased significantly compared to the previous two quarters. This is due to activities by a new operator based at the airport, including training, joy and charter flights as well as fire fighting when required.

Hourly movements (average)

Daily movements (average and maximum)

Night movements

The preferred runway under the noise abatement procedures is arrivals on Runway 17 and departures on Runway 35. This graph shows the total number of night movements that used this configuration, compared to other movements in the time period, including helipad movements. This is broken down by each hour of the night.

April - June 2016

Total movements

In quarter two there were just over 13 000 movements, ranging from 4000 to 4500 per month. On average, in each month of the quarter there were:

  • around 2000 jet movements
  • just under 2000 turbo-prop or propeller aircraft
  • around 60 helicopter movements.

Hourly movements (average)

Daily movements (average and maximum)

Night movements

The preferred runway under the noise abatement procedures is arrivals on Runway 17 and departures on Runway 35. This graph shows the total number of night movements that used this configuration, compared to other movements in the time period, including helipad movements. This is broken down by each hour of the night.

January - March 2016

Total movements

In quarter one there were 12 500 movements, ranging from 3400 to 4600 per month. On average, in each month of the quarter there were:

  • around 1800 jet movements
  • around 2000 turbo-prop or propeller aircraft
  • 60 helicopter movements.

Hourly movements (average)

Daily movements (average and maximum)

Night movements

The preferred runway under the noise abatement procedures is arrivals on Runway 17 and departures on Runway 35. This graph shows the total number of night movements that used this configuration, compared to other movements in the time period, including helipad movements. This is broken down by each hour of the night.