Canberra Airport


Airservices manages enquiries and complaints about aircraft noise and operations through the Noise Complaints and Information Service (NCIS). The information below is collected by the NCIS for the purpose of complaint management, analysis of issues and identification of causal factors. For this reason we refer to ‘complainants’ and ‘issues’. Complainants are people who contacted the NCIS. While some people submitted enquiries or comments rather than complaints, all are referred to as “complainants”. Issues are the primary concern they raised.

Changes to our complaint-reporting format

The new interactive reporting below (effective October 2019) will be monthly, rather than quarterly. New data will be available on the 10th business day of each month.

Use this interactive tool to explore the issues raised by residents from different suburbs. Read an explanation of issues and classifications used in complaint reporting.

Help is provided on both the Complainants and Issues and Classification Screens in the bottom right hand corner of the screen.

If the NCIS have identified something new or unusual in the data, an explanation will be provided in a dated accordion below the interactive reporting. Previous quarterly reporting to January 2016 is under the accordion “Archived”. Yearly reviews of complainant numbers and issues will continue to be provided.

Note: monthly complaints data describes the complaints lodged in that calendar month. Depending on when in the month the matter was lodged, the investigation may not have been completed within the same month. Where an investigation reveals that the issue or classification initially assigned to the matter was not the most appropriate one, this will be corrected. This may result in incremental changes to issue or classification counts for a previous month. Additionally, complainant numbers are now for each month. Previously if a complainant contacted the NCIS each month in a quarter that was reported as one complainant, if you are adding the number of complainants each month, this may not provide a realistic interpretation of the total number of complainants. If you select a month where there were no complainants, nothing will be displayed.

The following tabs contain our previous complaint reports

2020 Year in Review


There were 10 individual complainants in 2020, which is a decrease from 19 complainants in 2019.

In 2020, the NCIS implemented monthly reporting data in lieu of quarterly reporting for all airports. It is important to note that if a resident contacts the NCIS once every month, they are noted as one complainant for each of the 12 months, however, when we record the number of complainants for the calendar year they are only counted as one complainant, regardless of how many times they have contacted us.

Chart 1: Complainants per month, average number of complainants per month for the past three years and total number of complainants in 2020

Chart 2: Complainant comparison 2016 to 2020


The two main issues of 2020 were General aviation traffic and Helicopters. In previous years, the main issue has consistently been Standard flight path movements, with the majority of residents concerns with Runway 35 arrivals. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic not one resident contacted the NCIS regarding Standard flight path movements in 2020.

Chart 3: Issues and percentage of complainants affected 2020

Emergency services operations were the reason of disturbance for the three residents affected by general aviation traffic.

The three residents affected by Helicopters, were disturbed by power line surveys over several months, while military training disturbed two other residents.


Nine suburbs recorded complainants during 2020. Lyons was the only suburb that recorded more than one complainant and both complainants were disturbed by emergency services operations.

Helicopter operations disturbed the suburbs of Downer, Hughes and Macquarie, while Franklin and Queanbeyan West were disturbed by military operations.

Fixed wing circuit training was a concern to a Campbell resident.

2019 Year in Review


There were 19 individual complainants in 2019, which is a decrease from 28 complainants in 2018.

Chart 1: Complainant comparison per quarter 2016 to 2019

Chart showing the complainant comparison per quarter 2016 to 2019


In 2019, the main issue for residents in the Canberra basin was Night Movements affecting six complainants. A single event, in April, where an aircraft was diverted from its normal track for traffic management reasons, was the reason for these complainants. Residents believed the aircraft was tracking through the noise abatement area; however, the aircraft was above the maximum altitude for the area.

Standard flight path movements were a concern to four complainants. Circuit training affected three complainants and Emergency services operations and Helicopter operations affected two complainants each.

Chart 2: Issues and number of complainants affected 2019, compared with 2016 to 2018

Chart showing the issues and number of complainants affected 2019, compared with 2016 to 2018

Chart 3: Runway 35 operations and complainants affected 2016 to 2019

Chart showing Runway 35 operations and complainants affected 2016 to 2019


In 2019, 13 separate suburbs recorded complainants. Nine suburbs recorded a single complainant.

Amaroo and The Ridgeway recorded the most complainants, with three each. Jerrabomberra and Harrison recorded two complainants each.

All Amaroo residents and one resident each from Jerrabomberra and Harrison were affected by the event in April described above.
A military operation also affected Harrison and Jerromberra, Runway 35 arrivals.

The main concern to The Ridgeway was Runway 17 departures.

July - September 2019


There was one complainant during the second quarter of 2019. This is a decrease from nine complainants in quarter two of 2019.

Chart 1: Complainant comparison 2018 and 2019

Chart showing a comparison of complainant numbers per quarter in 2018 and 2019

Issues and Suburbs

The issue raised was Standard flight path movements and the complaint, who resides in Braidwood, is effected by Runway 35 arrivals.

Historically, the use of Runway 35 increases at the beginning of quarter three, and declines over the following six months.

April - June 2019


There were nine complainants in the second quarter of 2019. This is a slight increase from seven complainants in quarter one of 2019.

The main reason for the increase in complainant numbers was due to a single occurrence in the late evening/early morning hours of the 1st and 2nd of April. Residents were concerned that an aircraft was tracking through the noise abatement area (more information under the runways tab). The aircraft involved was above the height requirement of 7000 feet, and was required to be established on an alternative track due to other air traffic at distance from the airport. A similar occurrence occurred in late April.

Chart 1 shows that complainant numbers have remained fairly stable for the last three quarters.

Chart 1: Complainant comparison 2018 and 2019

Chart showing comparison of complainant numbers in 2018 and 2019 per quarter as of quarter 2 2019

Issues and Suburbs

The main issue in quarter two was night movements, which affected six complainants. The event of 1-2 April (described above) concerned five complainants and the occurrence of 27 April concerned one complainant. A single complainant was recorded for the issues of Military, Standard flight path movements and fixed wing circuit training.

Chart 2: Issues and percentage of complainants affected

Chart showing percentage of complainants affected per issue

Six separate suburbs recorded complainants in quarter two. Amaroo recorded three complainants, and all were affected by night movements as per the events described above. Forde, Gungahlin and Harrison were also affected by these events. Harrison recorded two complainants, one resident affected by night movements the other by a military operation.

A Jerrabomberra resident was affected by Runway 35 arrivals, and The Ridgeway was affected by fixed wing circuit training.

January - March 2019


There were seven complainants during quarter one 2019. This is a slight decrease from eight complainants in quarter four 2018. Chart 1 shows that this is also a decrease from 10 complainants for the same period in 2018.

Chart 1: Complainant comparison 2018 and 2019

Chart showing comparison of complainants per quarter for 2018 and 2019

Issues and Suburbs

Four issues were raised during quarter one. Two complainants each were disturbed by Runway 17 departures, fixed wing circuit training and standard helicopter operations. Emergency services operations affected a single complainant.

Historically, the use of Runway 17 does increase over this quarter and begins to decrease from March. Peak usage also occurs again in June, August and October.

Residents of Queanbeyan and Campbell were affected by single engine circuit training. Queanbeyan was also affected by a military B737 conducting practice approaches and circuits. Military crew are required to maintain currency on civilian navigational aids. During the investigation of this issue, the NCIS was advised that where possible the military do use civilian simulators, to alleviate this practice. However, at times they must use the navigational aids.

The Ridgeway, recording two complainants, was the only suburb that recorded more than one complainant. Both residents were concerned with Runway 17 departures.

Five suburbs recorded a single complainant.

2018 Overview


There were 28 individual complainants in 2018, which is consistent with 2017 but a decrease from 46 complainants in 2016.

The chart below shows a trend of increasing complainant numbers in the first quarter and decreasing from this number in the follow quarters. The exception is 2016 where a military event increased complainant numbers in quarter four. This trend corresponds to the Parliamentary cycle, returning in January/February and recessing in November and December.

Chart 1: Complainant comparison per quarter 2016 to 2018

Chart showing a comparison of complainant number in 2016, 2017 and 2018 broken down per quarter


In 2018 the main issue for residents in the Canberra basin was again standard flight path movements with 13 complainants. Helicopter operations affected five complainants and general aviation traffic four complainants. Chart 2 provides a comparison of these issues with complainant numbers in 2016 and 2017.

Chart 2: Issues and number of complainants affected 2018, compared with 2016 and 2017

Chart showing a comparison of issues raised in 2016, 2017 and 2018

General aviation traffic and Helicopters

The majority of complainants under this issue were affected by both fixed and rotor wing airwork. Helicopters conducting powerline surveys in early February were the concern to 80 percent of complainants under the issue of Helicopters. A fixed wing aircraft was also involved in the same activity in March and April and was a concern to 50 percent of complainants under the issue of general aviation traffic.

Standard flight path movements

This issue affected 46 percent of all complainants. While Runway 35 operations affected 85 percent of complainants under this issue. As can be seen in chart 3 below, the main concern to residents continues to be Runway 35 arrivals. This has been the case for the last three calendar years.

Chart 3: Runway 35 operations and complainants affected 2016 to 2018

Chart showing a comparison of complainants in 2016, 2017 and 2018 raising concerns with the direction runway is used in


In 2018, 20 separate suburbs recorded complainants. Seventeen suburbs recorded a single complainant. Jerrabomberra recorded seven complainants and Hackett and Sutton recorded two complainants each.

The majority of Jerrabomberra complainants were affected by Runway 35 arrivals both day and night.

Sutton and Hackett residents were affected by the rotor and fixed wing airwork and standard flight path movements. Chart 4 shows that Jerrabomberra has consistently recorded the most complainants over the past three years.

Chart 4: Suburbs recording the most complainants in 2018, with complainant numbers for 2016 and 2017

Chart showing the suburbs recording the most complainants in 2018 with a comparison to complainant figures from these same suburbs in 2016 and 2017.

October - December 2018


There were eight complainants in the fourth quarter of 2018. This is a slight increase from six in the second quarter.

There have been 28 individual complainants for the 2018 calendar year.

Chart 1 below shows there has been an upward trend in complainant numbers over the last three quarters, this trend was also seen in 2016, which can be viewed under 2018 year in review.

Chart 1: Complainant comparison 2017 and 2018

Chart showing comparison of complainants per quarter in 2018 and 2017


The main issues were Standard flight path movements affecting four complainants and unusual movements affecting two complainants. Night Movements and helicopter operations were a concern to one complainant each.

Runway 35 arrivals were again the main concern of residents affecting 37 percent of complainants under the issues of standard flight path and night movements. All of these residents were located in Jerrabomberra.


Six suburbs recorded complainants in this quarter. Jerrabomberra with three complainants again recorded the most complainants. A single complainant was recorded in Barton, Monash, Sutton, The Ridgeway and Wanniassa.

Unusual movements were the concern to residents in Monash and Wanniassa. While Runway 35 departures were a concern to the resident of The Ridgeway.

July - September 2018


There were six complainants in quarter three of 2018. This is a slight increase from five complainants in quarter two. For the same period in 2017 there were four complainants.

Chart 1: Complainant comparison 2017 and 2018

Chart showing comparison of complainants in Q1, Q2 and Q3 of 2017 and 2018


Standard flight path movements affected five complainants. Night Movements affected one complainant.

Runway 35 arrivals were the main concern of residents. This is a reflection of the increased use of Runway 35 in this quarter due to prevailing winds.

The resident concerned with Night movements was affected by emergency services operations.


Five suburbs recorded complainants in quarter three. Jerrabomberra recorded two complainants while Braidwood, Burra, Florey and Queanbeyan each recorded a single complainant.

Both residents from Jerrabomberra were affected by Runway 35 arrivals; as were the residents of Braidwood and Burra.

The resident from Queanbeyan was concerned with arrivals for Runway 30.

The Florey resident was disturbed by an emergency services operation in the night hours.

April - June 2018


There were five complainants in the second quarter of 2018. This is a decrease from ten complainants in quarter one of 2018. For the same period in 2017 there were six complainants.

Chart 1: Complainant comparison 2017 and 2018

Chart showing comparison of complainants per quarter for 2017 and 2018 to date

Issues and Suburbs

The main issue was Standard flight path movements, affecting three complainants. Night Movements and General aviation traffic affected one complainant each.

There was no trend in the Runway direction used across complainants as each was affected by a different runway direction. The complainant affected by General aviation traffic, in Sutton was disturbed by an aircraft conducting a power line inspection.

Four separate suburbs recorded complainants in the second quarter. Jerrabomberra recorded two complainants, while Hackett, Karabar and Sutton recorded one complainant each.

January - March 2018


There were ten complainants in the first quarter of 2018. This is an increase from four complainants during the fourth quarter of 2017, but less than in the first quarter of 2017 when there were 19 complainants.


As can be seen in Chart 1 below the increase in numbers of complainants is due to Helicopters and General aviation issues.

Chart 1: Comparison of Issues and number of complainants affected Q1 2018 and Q4 2017

comparison of the issues raised and number of complainants in quarter 1 2018 and quarter 4 2017

Complainants concerned about helicopter activities were all affected by a helicopter conducting a power line and pole survey over a number of days on behalf of an energy company. This is a regular event around Australia for bush fire mitigation. A light aircraft involved in similar work was also the subject of a complaint.

An aircraft that had to divert off the normal flight path to avoid bad weather resulted in the complaint classified as an Unusual movement.


A single complainant was recorded for ten separate suburbs, with the majority from suburbs in the city area.

The suburbs affected by the issue of Helicopters were; Campbell, Canberra, Hackett and Isabella Plains. Residents of MacGregor, Ainslie and Yass River were disturbed by General aviation aircraft.

2017 Overview


There were 27 individual complainants in 2017. This is a decrease from 46 complainants in 2016.
In 2016 there was a military exercise which occurred in the late evening/early morning hours. As it attracted complaints from 18 residents this is likely to account for the difference between complainant numbers in 2016 and 2017.


The main issues for residents in the Canberra basin in 2017 were; standard flight path movements with 14 complainants, general aviation traffic with four complainants and helicopters with three complainants.

Chart 1: Issues and number of complainants affected

Chart showing the number of complainants raising each issue

General aviation traffic

The majority of complainants under this issue were affected by an aircraft involved in obtaining aerial mapping data. This event occurred in March.


The majority of complainants affected by helicopter operations were disturbed by emergency services operations.

Standard flight path movements

This issue affected 52 percent of complainants. As can be seen in chart 2 below, the main concern to residents were Runway 35 arrivals, and this affected 56 percent of complainants in this issue. “Multiple runway directions” means a complainant is affected by both runway directions at the airport.

Chart 2: Runway directions and percentage of complainants affected

chart showing the percentage of complainants allocated to each classification of the issue of Standard Flight Paths


Eighteen separate suburbs recorded complainants in 2017. The suburbs recording the most complainants were Jerrabomberra with seven complainants, Queanbeyan West with three complainants and Royalla with two complainants.

The majority of residents in the suburbs recording the most complainants were affected by Runway 35 arrivals. Residents in Jerrabomberra were affected by the aerial mapping and also requested information on property purchases. Queanbeyan West residents were also affected by fixed wing circuit training.
As a comparison in 2016 Jerrabomberra recorded four complainants and the main concern was again Runway 35 arrivals. Queanbeyan West and Royalla did not record complainants in 2016.

Fifteen suburbs recorded a single complainant.

October - December 2017


There were four complainants during the fourth quarter of 2017. This is consistent with quarter three.

There were 27 complainants during 2017. This is a decrease from 46 complainants in 2016.


There were only two issues raised in quarter four; standard flight path movements with three complainants and unusual movements with one complainant.

All complainants affected by standard flight path movements were disturbed by Runway 35 arrivals. Traditionally the use of Runway 35 increases early in this quarter and then decreases at the end of the quarter. The complainant affected by unusual movements was disturbed by an aircraft diverting around inclement weather.

Chart 1: Issues and number of complainants affected

Chart showing number of complainants raising each issue


Four separate suburbs recorded a single complainant each in quarter four.

Jerrabomberra, Royalla and Queanbeyan were all affected by Runway 35 arrivals; and McKellar was affected by weather diversions.


In quarter four there were 13 537 movements, ranging from 4050 to 4800 per month. On average, in each month of the quarter there were:

• around 2100 jet movements
• around 2000 turbo-prop and propeller aircraft movements
• around 230 helicopter movements.

The busiest month for jet movements was November with 2171 movements and the least busy was December with 1960 movements.

July - September 2017


There were four complainants during the third quarter of 2017. This is a reduction from six complainants in the second quarter of 2017.

There have been 24 complainants for the year to date and this is consistent for the same period in 2016.


The NCIS continues to refine how issues are classified and applied. We have recently decided to classify all complaints regarding movements that are tracking on the relevant flight path and within the normal altitudes as Standard flight path movements. In our reporting to the community this will provide greater clarity about what can be expected in the normal course of operations at the airport. Unusual movements will only be used for commercial aircraft operating outside their usual flight paths at major airports. Examples of unusual movements will include, weather diversions, traffic management, radar departures, direct tracking and missed approaches.

The Night Movements category has been expanded beyond the previous 11pm – 6am hours to cover complainants who advise the NCIS that they have been disturbed by air traffic at any hour of the night.

The reason for these changes is to better reflect normal and unusual operations in our reporting and to allow us to more efficiently identify whether or not there are any noise mitigation opportunities available. In most cases at major airports, there is little that can be achieved for any standard flight paths.

As shown in Chart 1 below, standard flight path issues were raised by three complainants during the third quarter. Two of these complainants were affected by Runway 35 arrivals, while the third complainant was affected by multiple runway directions. Historically, the use of Runway 35 continues to increase until December due to seasonal winds.

The issue raised about Training was fixed wing circuit training on Runway 12/30.

Chart 1: Issues and number of complainants raising each



Four separate suburbs recorded a single complainant in quarter three.

Jerrabomberra and Royalla were affected by Runway 35 arrivals, which occurs when the wind has a more northerly component. Currawang was affected by aircraft operations from multiple runway directions and Campbell was affected by the fixed wing circuit training.

April - June 2017


There were six complainants during the second quarter. This is a reduction from 19 in the first quarter.

There have been 23 complainants for the year to date and this is consistent with the same period in 2016.


Flight path issues were raised by three complainants during the second quarter, including a perception something had changed, increased frequency and altitude concerns.

Complainants with flight path issues were affected by Runway 35 arrivals. Historically, the use of Runway 35 increases in this quarter due to seasonal winds.

An increase of helicopter activity occurred due to gas line checks, emergency services operations and helicopter training, however no complainants raised these activities.

Chart 1: Issues
Issues, quarter two


Complainants came from four separate suburbs in quarter two.

Jerrabomberra residents (three complainants) were affected by Runway 35 arrivals, which occurs when the wind has a more northerly component. They can also be affected by Runway 17 departures when the wind has a more southerly component. This is due to the alignment of the suburb with the main runway. It is more likely that residents in the western area of the suburb will be affected.

One complainant from Campbell raised the issue of training; Campbell is on the extended centreline of Runway 12/30 and aircraft conducting circuits on this runway may affect the area.

Other complainants came from Flynn and Googong.

January - March 2017

Issues and suburbs

There were 19 complainants during the first quarter of 2017. This is consistent with the fourth quarter of 2016.

Six complainants raised issues to do with flight paths. General aviation traffic and helicopter activities attracted three complainants each.

Chart 1: Quarter one issues

Issues quarter one

The NCIS is continuing to refine how issues are classified and applied. A recent decision to classify all complaints about movements that occur between 11pm and 6am under the issue of Night Movements (rather than under other issues that may also be relevant) means that this issue is likely to become more prominent in the future.

Runway 35 arrivals were the main concern of complainants who raised flight path issues such as increased frequency or a perception that something had changed. Historically the use of Runway 35 declines over the first quarter due to seasonal wind patterns.

All complainants who raised general aviation issues were affected by an aircraft conducting aerial survey work at altitudes between 1500 and 3000 feet in the greater Canberra area during March.

Emergency services operations affected the majority of complainants who raise helicopter issues.

During the quarter there were several military flypasts of C-17A Globemasters, F/A-18F Super Hornet, Hawk-127, C-27J Spartan and Navy helicopters, associated with the Sky Fire event and events at the Australian Defence Force academy. There was only one complainant who recorded concern about these events.

Nine suburbs had one complainant each in quarter one. In total thirteen separate suburbs had one or more complainants during quarter one. The suburbs which recorded the most complainants were Jerrabomberra with five complainants, Queanbeyan West with three complainants and Turner with two complainants.

Jerrabomberra was affected by Runway 35 arrivals and the aerial survey work. Three of the Jerrabomberra complainants were specifically concerned about the international flights. Queanbeyan West was also affected by Runway 35 arrivals, the military events and fixed wing circuit training.

Both Jerrabomberra and Queanbeyan West residents can be affected by both Runway 35 arrivals, when the wind has a more northerly component, and also by Runway 17 departures when the wind has a more southerly component. This is due to the alignment of these suburbs with the main runway. It is more likely that residents in the western-most areas of these suburbs will be disturbed more often.

2016 Overview

Issues and suburbs

The total number of individual complainants for the 2016 calendar year was 46.

Chart 1: Issues 2016
Issues 2016

The two main issues for 2016 were military activities (18 complainants) and flight path issues, including concerns that the flight path had changed or the desire that it be relocated (15 complainants).

Of those concerned about flight path issues, eight complainants were concerned with Runway 35 arrivals, and two complainants were affected by weather diversions.

Military operations attracted concern in both March and November with nine complainants raising this issue in each month.

Despite the increase in helicopter operations in 2016 (see Movements page) only five complainants raised issues associated with helicopters. In three of these cases the cause of concern was emergency helicopters. In the other two cases the helicopter was conducting airwork.

In 2016 there were five complainants from Jerrabomberra and four complainants each from Canberra, Hackett, Narrabundah and Ainslie.

Jerrabomberra and Narrabundah were affected by runway 35 arrivals. Narrabundah was also affected by weather diversions. Ainslie, Hackett, Canberra and Narrabundah were all affected by the military exercises.

In 2016 residents from 25 separate suburbs across the Canberra basin lodged complaints about aircraft operations. 14 suburbs recorded one complainant.

October- December 2016

Issues and suburbs

Nineteen complainants raised issues during quarter 4 of 2016, up from seven complainants in quarter three.

Nine complainants were concerned about military exercises in their areas in November.

Five complainants were concerned about the late night international flights that began in September. Complainants from Jerrabomberra and Googong were concerned that this flight was not flying the right flight path. Most arrivals from the south use the “offset” approach, but the international flight uses the Instrument Landing System (ILS) approach which affects parts of these suburbs.

International operators generally require the ILS approach. This is the most stable approach because the aircraft is aligned with the runway well before landing. At the November Community Aviation Consultation Group meeting, Canberra Airport undertook to write to all airlines encouraging them to fly the offset approach wherever possible, however some airlines will have operational requirements for the ILS approach even in good weather.

Chart 1: Issues, quarter 4 2016
Issues quarter 4 2016

The suburbs that recorded the most complainants in quarter 4 was Jerrabomberra with five complainants. Complainants came from 14 suburbs. 11 of these suburbs recorded a single complainant. The military operation in November affected seven separate suburbs.

July - September 2016

Issues and suburbs

Seven complainants raised four issues during quarter three of 2016. This is the same number of complainants as the previous quarter. There have been a total of 28 individual complainants so far in 2016.

The majority of complainants this quarter were located to the south of the airport and were concerned about arrivals to Runway 35. Due to prevailing winds Runway 35 was used the majority of the time in quarter three.

Chart 1: Issues, quarter three
Issues quarter 3

April - June 2016

Issues and suburbs

There were seven complainants during the second quarter. There have been a total of 23 individual complainants for the year to date.

Four issues were raised in quarter two as shown in the chart below. Each of the complainants came from a different suburb. Suburbs were located primarily to the south of the airport and complainants cited both departing and arriving flights. Because Runway 35 tends to be used more frequently than Runway 17, residents to the south of the airport will be more used to arriving flights. Therefore when Runway 17 is used and they experience departures it is likely to be more noticeable to them and may be perceived as a change.

Chart 1: Issues, quarter two
Issues quarter 2

January - March 2016


There were 19 complainants during quarter 1. This figure is unusually high due to a military training activity that took place over northern suburbs at night, attracting concern from nine complainants.

Aircraft movements at low level over Canberra suburbs are relatively unusual because most suburbs are situated within noise abatement areas. While aircraft will fly over these areas from time-to-time, the exercise on this occasion required the aircraft to remain in the area for an extended period which made the activity even more noticeable. Complaints about military activities can be made directly to the Department of Defence. You can also access an Ops Near Me page to check on activities in your area.

During periods of bad weather in January and February some diversions were required to allow aircraft to avoid storm cells or dangerous cloud formations. This placed aircraft over noise abatement areas which resulted in some residents contacting NCIS. Unfortunately in such circumstances this cannot be avoided.