Adelaide Airport


Airservices proactively works with the airport and the community to investigate, trial and implement changes to improve aircraft noise outcomes.

Investigations at Adelaide Airport include:

Night time helicopter movements
In response to complainants raising concerns about helicopter movements during the curfew, Airservices investigated all helicopter movements to and from Adelaide Airport between 1 July and 30 September 2016. The investigation found that in each case these movements were emergency services helicopters which are permitted to use the airport during the curfew period.

The curfew applies only to aircraft arriving at or departing from Adelaide Airport. Aircraft travelling between other origins and destinations are permitted to fly over Adelaide during curfew hours.

More information about helicopter operations.

Community Consultation

Community Aviation Consultation Group (CACG) meetings are independent forums where community members and organisations can raise opinions and issues. These meetings address planning and development issues as well as operational matters such as aircraft noise and provide an opportunity for communication and consultation, although may not be public forums.

Airservices attends the Adelaide Airport Consultative Committee meetings to provide information to the community and assist in discussions on aviation matters.